Basic Class Curriculum

    We use British and Nigerian curriculum in Basic classes, which includes subjects like - Expressive Arts and Design with focus on Mathematics and English Language. Physical Educational Studies, Literacy, Reading and Spelling and Communication and Languages.
  • We have standard curriculum for children in Reception in Year 1&2, the curriculum is based on the English National Guidelines for key stage one and all pupils in year 2. The curriculum in KSI is more subjects include Maths, English, Art/DT, Verbal Reasoning, Religion Education, Physical Education, Science, Music, French, Language Studies, Civic, Social Studies and Cursive. The children still have practical experience within subjects as well as the more structured written work. The core subjects of English and Maths are taught daily and great emphasis is placed on the importance of reading spelling, handwriting, number bonds and time tables. The children have home-work each day to include reading as well as a page of other task and activities like Chess playing

Basic Classes

Year 1: The child must be 5 years by August 31st of the academic year of admission.

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Basic Classes

We offer unrivalled care and attention to ensure that you feel secure in the knowledge that your toddler is cared for in safe and enjoyable surroundings.

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Basic Classes

We provide the highest standards of care and education for pre-school children.

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Our Basic Class Team

Mrs Precious (Basic Class Team)

Mrs Oladele (Basic Class Team)

Mrs Charles (Basic Class Team)

Mrs Adebanjo (Basic Class Team)

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